Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI)

Services provided by our laboratories

RCI offers a range of reference testing services which provide vital support for blood transfusion, organ and stem cell transplantation by ensuring the safety and clinical efficacy of transfusion and transplantation.

Using our network of laboratories, we work closely with hospital laboratories to support routine blood testing, complex and confirmatory testing. Utilising our experience and clinical expertise we can provide 24/7 support, online access to results and well respected training programmes for laboratory staff.

We offer:

  • Follow-up red cell serology for antenatal patients with red cell antibodies, including quantification and titration of antibodies.
  • Investigations of blood grouping problems.
  • Genotyping for selected cases and haemoglobinopathy patients.
  • Investigation of red cell antibodies, including cross-matching in cases of transfusion problems.
  • Investigation of cases with a positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT).
  • Assessment of feto-maternal haemorrhage (FMH) by flow cytometry.
  • Investigation of adverse transfusion reactions

Download our leaflets

Pregnancy related leaflets

Explains why blood groups and antibodies are important in pregnancy.

This leaflet follows the existing British Society for Haematology guidance. Please note that NICE guidelines; Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage [NG126 April 2019], give different advice regarding prophylactic anti-D for management of miscarriage and threatened miscarriage and Abortion Care [NG140 September 2019] give different advice for medical termination of pregnancy.

D negative Mother's blood test to check her unborn baby's blood group 
The leaflet explains the importance of the test which identifies Mothers who need the anti-D injection.  Please note, it is only available to Trusts which have implemented the fetal screening test.

To access this IBGRL leaflet, expand the 'Documents' drop down.

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