Update on outstanding National Comparative Audit reports

January 2020

The progress with the outstanding reports is: 

2018 Audit of FFP/cryo use in children and neonates

Analysis has been extremely complicated due to the nature of the data collected, but we are making good progress and will issue the report as soon as we can. An interim report with your site results was issued in December 2018. 

2018 Audit of the management of major haemorrhage

The audit report is largely finished, and we are just awaiting final comments from members of the project group. The report and slideshow should be available at the end of January. 

2018 Audit of maternal anaemia

The obstetricians are making good progress with report writing and will issue the report as soon as we can. An interim report with your site results was issued in August 2019.

Spring 2020 audit

We are now designing the Spring 2020 audit, which will look at the management of anaemia in children undergoing elective surgery. More details and invitations to enrol will be sent out later this month.

John Grant-Casey - Programme Manager, National Comparative  Audit