Please update your LIMs in preparation for UK sourced FFP and cryoprecipitate components for neonates and infants

Note: Infants are up to 1 year
Updated: 1 July 2020


We are in the final stages of developing these components which be issued to hospitals from August 2020. Please ensure that your LIMs are updated with the barcodes in time to receive them. 

The specifications are in sections 7.35 and 7.36 of JPAC’s Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services. The components are suitable for neonates and infants under 1 year of age: 

- manufactured from known donors

- paediatric antibody specification (PANTS) tested

- high titre (anti A and anti B) antibody negative

They will be issued as a mixed inventory of UK and non-UK (as with standard FFP and cryoprecipitate components), as we run down imported plasma stocks. This will continue for some time due to high stock levels which are a result of the reduced demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

If you have any queries on this or any aspect of the plasma transition please contact your Customer Service Manager.

Jane Davies - Lead Specialist