Please help us to ensure we have Ro blood for people with sickle cell disease

What you can do to help

We are asking you to help us to ensure we have a supply of R0  blood for the estimated 15,000 people with sickle cell disease in the UK.

You can support us when you are ordering units, by:

  • Submitting orders 5 working days in advance where possible, as units are held at sites with the largest demand
  • Accepting the substitutions we make in accordance with the substitution matrix
  • Deleting outstanding orders on OBOS if the order is no longer required, so the units can be used for other people
  • Ordering R0 units for R0 patients, so we have accurate demand data
  • Discussing any ordering issues or suggestions for improvement with your Customer Services Manager


A web page, Ordering R0 units, is now published with this information, under the Components section.

Chris Philips, Head of Hospital Customer Service