Handling of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and Cryoprecipitate

Due to an increase in damaged FFP and Cryoprecipitate, please handle with care.

22 December 2020

There is an increase in the number of damaged FFP and Cryoprecipitate units being reported to us. After looking at this, we think it may be due to damage caused by handling.

As frozen components are brittle and easily damaged, we've reminded staff who handle them, they need to be treated with particular care. Please can hospitals also handle these components with care.

Continue to report any increases in trend or severity in damage of frozen components to your customer services manager.

You don't need to return these units; however please send us pictures of the damaged units if you can, because these are particularly useful for us. Don’t forget to submit a credit request and provide a reason for your claim.

Rhian Edwards - Hospital Customer Services Manager