Service reviews
Therapeutic Apheresis Services (TAS) strives to improve patient care and service provision to NHS Trusts. In order to achieve this, service user and patient experience surveys are conducted on an annual basis and the results are analysed to inform operational and strategic planning.
We value your feedback: compliments and complaints
We value feedback from our patients, donors and service users. If you would like to send us your feedback please download our compliments and complaints form (PDF 474KB).
User satisfaction survey 2024
Our annual User Satisfaction Survey requested feedback from the over 600 referring clinicians during 2023/34 and saw us receive feedback from 16% of those surveyed, an improvement over the response rate of 14% last year.
In the survey, 71% of referring clinicians reported their overall satisfaction with our service as 9 or 10 out of 10, a strong result compared to our 68% target.
While the comments were overwhelmingly positive, we recognise three main areas for improvement and have developed an action plan to ensure we continually improve our service based on user feedback.
End of Year compliments, complaints and feedback report 2023
Throughout the year we receive feedback from our patients, donors and visitors. In 2023, TAS received 310 submissions of compliments, complaints and feedback. Submissions were received via letters, thank you cards, Compliments and Complaints leaflet slip and online survey. Our End of Year report contains details of the feedback we received.
End of year review 2021
At the end of each financial year TAS completes a review of its key achievements and priorities for the year ahead.
In 2020/21, despite the challenges of the pandemic, TAS were proud to continue treating patients not only in hospitals where we routinely provide services, but also for over 150 patients from other Hospitals who struggled during the pandemic.
Some of our key achievements in response to the challenges of the past year were:
- Regional teams working nationally to ensure appropriate levels of staffing in each unit to meet patient demand were most needed
- The relocation of two of our TAS units (one unit on three separate occasions) to accommodate the reconfiguration of Trust services in their efforts to meet changing patient flows demanded by COVID
- The introduction of flexible working hours and service delivery to provide extended working days and weekend working to achieve COVID-19 secure units
- Introduction of satellite services to ensure patients had more localised access to treatment – for example, the introduction of an extracorporeal photopheresis service in Cardiff and the provision of a stem cell collection centre service for donors from the Anthony Nolan Registry in Oxford
Historical service reviews
To request a historic service review report please email