Annual reports

Therapeutic Apheresis Services strives to improve patient care and service provision to NHS Trusts.

How we produce our reports

We seek feedback from patients and service users each year through our user satisfaction survey. We aim to continually deliver high quality care to patients and donors, and use the survey results to inform operational and strategic planning.

We also complete an end of year report which reviews the compliments, complaints and feedback we have received. The report highlights key achievements from the previous year, and sets priorities for the year ahead.

If you would like to see historical reports, please email

User satisfaction report 2024

The user satisfaction survey requested feedback from over 600 referring clinicians during 2023 to 24. We received feedback from 16% of those surveyed, an improvement over the response rate of 14% last year.

71% of referring clinicians reported their overall satisfaction with our service as 9 or 10 out of 10, a strong result compared to our 68% target.

While the comments were overwhelmingly positive, we recognise three main areas for improvement and have developed an action plan (outlined on page 5 in the report) to ensure we continually improve our service based on user feedback. 

2024 user satisfaction report (PDF 398KB)

Infographic summary of the report (PDF 141KB)

Compliments, complaints, and feedback report 2024

We received 367 submissions of compliments, complaints, and feedback from our patients, donors, family, friends, and visitors. This represents an 18% increase from 2023. 

2024 end of year report (PDF 291KB)

Please give us your feedback

If you would like to send the team a compliment, make a complaint or give general feedback please email

Page last reviewed: 4 March 2025