
Demand printed labels

If you would like NHSBT to consider accepting samples from your hospital / Trust which have been labelled using a demand printed labelling system, please complete our application form. The sample label requirements are specified on the form.

Complete the application form

Address labels for samples boxes

Using the labels will help our staff to identify where the boxes need to be delivered to after they arrive on site, and reduces the risk of samples being incorrectly stored or forwarded to the wrong department.

Your co-operation in using these labels when referring diagnostic samples to our labs is appreciated.

The labels can be printed onto labels measuring 99.1 x 38.1 mm.

 It is important you:

  • Pack samples in accordance with the Carriage and Packaging of Dangerous Goods Health and Safety (DAT2132)
  • Telephone the laboratory to find out their arrangements if the sample is urgent
  • Mark boxes for urgent samples as 'Urgent'

Address labels for Fetal Maternal Haemorrhage (FMH) testing

These are labels for you to send FMH samples for flowcytometry analysis to Tooting Hospital Services. Tooting will forward these to RCI Colindale, where samples are processed.

Please use both labels on the transport box (initial address label to Tooting and forwarding label to Colindale) and send via a courier, not our NHSBT drivers.

Address labels for FMH sample(s) from Tooting hospitals to be tested at RCI Colindale