Online Blood Ordering System 


Ordering when OBOS is not available

Please complete a form and fax or email (as an attachment) to your Hospital Services department. Then telephone to confirm receipt, it is essential you do this.  


For the current OBOS Live version 9.0.4


The training site has been updated to the latest OBOS version 10.0.0 which will be available on the live site Monday 8th July 2024


User help and support 

Please contact an OBOS administrator in your hospital or Trust with your queries.

If you experience a system performance issue please contact your hospital IT department first, to check there are no issues with your network, before emailing OBOS@nhsbt.nhs.uk

Administrator help and support

If you are having difficulties with user accounts please email OBOS@nhsbt.nhs.uk or contact your Customer Service Manager.

If the issue is not an N3 (N3 is the national broadband network for the English NHS) or a local one please contact your Hospital Services department. Please capture any error messages displayed to help them resolve the issue. To do this use the PrtScn key on the keyboard and paste into an email or word document.

Password reset for users and administrators

We recommend you request a password reset via the OBOS logon page, rather than locking your account if you are unsure of your password.

Please give us your ideas for improving OBOS 

We welcome your suggestions, please send them to OBOS@nhsbt.nhs.uk or speak with your Customer Service Manager.