Small journey transport box

For moving components within your hospital or transferring to other hospitals

Our small journey boxes (previously called short journey, with the name changed in February 2023) are for you to use to move components internally within your hospital (this does not include samples) and to transfer components to other hospitals.

Please print and insert the correct label (for red cells or platelets) into the label pocket (Word 15KB)

The labels provide key instructions when transporting the boxes internally within your hospital. Following these will help ensure components arrive undamaged.

Image of short journey transport box

Phase Change Materials (PCMs)

Blue PCMs keep red blood cells at the correct temperature and are equilibrated for 72 hours. Blue PCM (PDF 528KB) safety data sheet.

Green PCMs keep platelets at the correct temperature and are equilibrated for 48 hours. Green PCM (PDF 583KB) safety data sheet.

Maximum number

Four is the maximum number to use; any more than this puts our staff at increased risk of injuries, and our drivers have the right to refuse to collect boxes with too many.

How to use
  • When pre-conditioning, air gaps of at least 1.5 cm must be left between each PCM to ensure good air flow and equal preconditioning of each piece
  • Using foam during storage helps keep components at the correct temperature and equilibration
  • If space is restricted, cut the foam to fit neatly into temperature controlled areas or refrigerators
  • Purchase (xls 72KB) foam from the manufacturer 
Damaged PCMs

These do not need to be returned to us and you may dispose them.

Image showing PCMs

Transportation time limits and box capacity 

capacity and transportation time limits table

If you require an accessible word version of this information email our customer service team NHSBTcustomer

Validation report

This report (PDF 48KB) details the tests peformed to  determine the time the containers will hold blood components at the standard storage temperature specification when packed in accordance with our datasheet DAT48 (PDF 199KB).

Boxes are validated between -5°C and +34°C ambient temperature.

How to pack a box for minimum and maximum loads

1 unit red blood cells. Ports folded. 1 stack x 1 unit

6 units red blood cells. Ports folded. 2 stacks x 3 units

1 unit platelets. Laid flat. 1 stack x 1 unit

6 units platelets. Laid flat. 1 stack x 6 units

Check the box for damage before use

Light scratches or surface scuffs will not affect the integrity of the box but holes or broken lids etc. affect thermal performance which can have an adverse effect on components. Please note - boxes should not exposed to extremes of heat or cold while being stored. 

Returning damaged boxes

Please label and return to your Hospital Services department for inspection and repair, or removal from the asset register if necessary.

Please protect yourself when handling a box by making sure you:

- Carry using both handles

- Hold upright

-  Handle with care, when empty or full

- Use a trolley when handling more than one box

-  Don't throw, and don't stack more than five high

How to prepare a box for transportation 

Please take these steps to ensure safe transit:

  • Fasten the box with a cable tie - a damaged tie, or no tie, may be a sign of tampering
  • Stack several boxes securely 
  • Cover with a waterproof cover or container in a pannier or box on the back of a motorcycle
  • Use a seatbelt if on a car seat 
  • If in a car boot make sure the box is fixed and unlikely to move 
transport box loaded onto NHSBT van