Ordering Ro units

An estimated 15,000 people have sickle cell disease (SCD) in the UK. We are doing what we can to ensure supply of Rblood for these people who need regular blood transfusions but we do need your help. 

Please support us by:

  • Amending ordering practice in line with the joint statement (PDF 134KB) released by NHSBT, NBTC & UK Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Societies, November 2023
  • Submitting orders 5 working days in advance where possible, as units are held at sites with the largest demand
  • Accepting the substitutions we make in accordance with the substitution matrix (PDF 208KB)
  • Deleting outstanding orders on OBOS if the order is no longer required, so they can be used for other patients
  • Ordering R0 units for R0 patients so we have accurate demand data
  • Discussing ordering issues or suggestions for improvement with your Customer Services Manager

Hospital Services must be informed by telephone of any changes or deletions to Ro orders

Information on our public-facing website, blood.co.uk