Blood stocks
Blood stock status
The stock status is Amber for group O red cells
The stock status is Pre-Amber for B D red negative red cells
Stock status explained
The National Blood Transfusion Committee's (NBTC) shortage plans for red cells, and platelets outline four phases for the supply of blood to hospitals, supported by a framework of actions for NHSBT and hospitals at each phase. The phases are:
- Green when circumstances are normal and where supply meets demand
- Pre-Amber when there is reduced availability of blood for a short or a prolonged period
- Amber when there is reduced availability of blood for a short or a prolonged period which impacts on clinical activity
- Red when there are severe, prolonged shortages which impact on clinical activity
Best practice
Please refer to:
- Patient Blood Management initiatives
- Blood Stocks Management inventory management
To support stock sharing between trusts, or with independent hospitals, we have produced a service level agreement template (Word 70KB) for hospitals to use.
The stock we have available to issue is:

Red blood cell stock levels - text version
O- 4.28 days, A- 11.21 days, B- 4.56 days, AB- 4.98 days, O+ 4.22 days, A+ 4.17 days, B+ 6.94 days, AB+ 10.46 days
We aim to maintain 6 days of stock for red blood cells.

Platelet stock levels - text version
O- 1.85 days, A- 1.56 days, B- 3.60 days, AB- 3.38 days, O+ 2.27 days, A+ 2.36 days, B+ 3.69 days, AB+ 3.77 days
We aim to maintain a minimum of 1 days' stock for platelets (except AB-).
When stocks are low we may need to offer substitutions (PDF 141KB) based on best transfusion practice.
Contingency reduced-dose apheresis platelets in the event of a severe shortage
Communications previously issued to hospitals about the Amber alert
25 July 2024 - Amber alert declared for group O red cells (PDF 166KB)
27 December 2024 - Low Stock of Platelets – Immediate move to AMBER ALERT (PDF 744KB)
06 January 2025 - Platelets exit from Amber alert (PDF 546KB)
15 January 2025 - Platelet Stock Update – Remove requirement to use A D negative platelets for named patients only. All platelet groups remain at PRE-AMBER (PDF 637KB)
10 February 2025 – Our stock for platelets returns to the green phase: supply is able to meet demand (PDF 495KB)
17 February 2025 - Red Cell Update: Amber Alert continues for Group O Red Cells & Pre-Amber continues for B negative Red Cells (PDF 637KB)